
Recognized Certification Marks and Labels for LED Lighting
Monday, March 20th, 2017

Before an electrical product or piece of electrical equipment is used, sold, displayed or advertised for sale in North America, it must be approved by an accredited certification or evaluation agency. The item must carry the official mark or label of the agency which indicate that the product has been independently assessed for safety.

The following is a list of recognized marks and labels:

Electrical (shock) and fire safety are the two primary concerns of regulation. If a person gets a shock or a fire starts, someone is liable. By purchasing LED lighting products from online or non-compliant suppliers or manufactures, you run the risk of being held accountable. That is why it’s important to protect yourself and those using the products by purchasing LED lighting that has one of the recognized marks or labels.

Many LED products do not meet the minimum safety, environmental and performance standards, leaving consumers unsure about product liability as well reliability. LED Lighting Products sold and used in North America must be tested by third party labs to meet North America’s standards. Thankfully, there are a number of recognized LED lighting certifications that consumers can rely on that helps with making the right decision.